First water through the new Rooidam valves

The 26 January 2017 marks another landmark day in the Murraysburg Rooidam project. Now that the dam is full, the valve was tested the morning and water made its way down the furrow system to Berrange street. A MSDC group followed the stream to evaluate the condition of the furrow. A lot of work needs to be done to limit the water lost, which assure some more job opportunities.  The next stage is to repair the furrows but thorough research and planning needs to be done first.

The water flowed into the lucerne lands of WR Avanant, who was astonished at how much water flooded the lands. It will be weeks before he needs to water again.  From next week onwards, the furrow system will be fed by the dams’ water, not the borehole. At this stage, no permit levies are needed, so those who are interested can contact the municipality to arrange a turn, and let’s get things growing in Murraysburg again.  – Water brings life.

1 Comment

  1. Maria Dames on 27th January 2017 at 8:48 pm

    So trots op Murraysburg en al sy mense wat deur hierdie projek weer lewe in die dorp blaas!!